I grew up near Princeton, New Jersey with a loving family that spent nearly every vacation road tripping across the United States, camping, hiking, and competing over who told the best dad jokes. When choosing a major in college, these experiences, along with a love for chemistry and an absurdly massive rock collection, made the decision to become a geologist very easy! Since that time, my educational and professional experiences have taken me to dormant and active volcanoes on six continents and a smattering of islands, cementing my career trajectory as a volcanologist. Throughout my career, I have been fascinated by the implications of my volcanological research to society, including volcanic hazards, the extraction of geothermal heat, and the formation of mineral resources in volcanic centers. In my current role at Lithium Americas Corporation, I research the origins of lithium deposits, advise our geology teams on our exploration programs, perform technical due diligence on potential M&A targets, and travel the world looking for new lithium resources.

If you'd like to get in touch with me, please feel free to send me an email!